Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bunaken to Lembeh...day 4

Under the Sea…day 4

Today we got up at 5:30am and did a dawn dive for our last morning in Bunaken. As we road to the dive site from the boat you could see the sun rising over the water behind huge volcanic islands all around! We saw a turtle before we ever suited up! This morning’s dive was a dift dive, meaning that we just floated along with the current. We saw a turtle, a black with white spotted moray eel, a blue spotted sting ray (which are brown all over with quarter size bright blue spots on its back), and 15+ barracuda. The barracuda were pretty big, like 3-4 feet long. We were surrounded by thousands of red tooth trigger fish that have electric blue tails…they were all around us in the blue and then suddenly ALL the fish started swimming sooo close to the reef that they looked like a black blanket over the coral…thousands of them! And we realized that there were barracuda all around which is why all the fish got so close to the coral! Then we said goodbye to the incredible coral and returned to the “resort”.

After a quick breakfast and some brief packing, we threw our bags out by the boat and borrowed our dive master’s motorbike to take a fast tour of the island. We got some great video footage of the local village (which is not uploading for some reason). No one on the island of Bunaken has cars, so every walks or dives motorbikes. It was really fun to take a little mini-tour. Then back to the resort, we jumped on the boat and headed to the mainland of North Sulwesi. Then we drove for 2 hours across North Sulwesi and caught another ferry to Lembeh for the muck diving part of our trip. We were so tired from all our adventures that we took a 3 hour nap after lunch and are now heading to dinner. We somehow got our room upgraded to a “Standard room” from the “budget room” that we ordered…which means we have own our bathroom, a ceiling fan (!), and real sheets! It’s the small things in life you know…

Tomorrow we will do 2-3 dives in Lembeh and try to check back with you! Hope you are all well in North America!

Here are some of our photos from Bunaken:

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